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Hey, what i need to do with willa ?

She has an alter ego in the library at night



How to get Laureline 2nd pink quest? it says laundry machine by control panel but there's no thing there

Make sure the AI assistant is already bimbofied


She already is though. Not sure what else to do 😣


same issue here.

im stuck on the curse for voxlyn. please help.

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Which part? Do big ass & tits, biggest ass & tits, lighter brain bigger ass & tits

lighter brain part. also, when I tried prystal second part with the orb. idk if I'm trying to find dead things (not even sure if there are any dead things) 

Lighter brain is the only one that mentions the word for brain

There's a zombie in dollsville forest ;)

(2 edits)

oh, that’s right. Lowkey forgot about that zombie. But the spell ion get the spell to give her a lighter brain.

So you're just at stage 2/3 use the words bigger, and tits or ass

Can you take a picture of what a woman should look like to get into the secret room?

Look at other comments I've posted it

i am stuck on the  secret door to the ship

Error 502: Adequate leader not found . Please provide a 'full_on_alt_pink_bimbo.exe' user with the 'thong&minisjirt.dll' plugin installed 

She needs to be fully bimbofied, with piercings and tattoos (alt), wearing a pink thong and a miniskirt

shit i just restored my pc and lost my old save.
Looks like i will have to start all over again

Ugh I'm sorry that sucks, maybe I'll share a save if I can


dont worry i restarted yesterday and already at the library.I hope to see more of your proyects in the future

Amazing game! Can't wait to see your next project.


I've already passed, thanks, it was a really cool project, I hope there will be new games like this

I like the final update however the one issue im having is trying to tap on the portals on android as the formatting on android is kinda bad.

Can you post screenshot? Is it janky or completely unusable?

Its more janky than unusable but because all the images are behind the other places you can go they're really hard to press on

Ah shit, that's not good, I'll investigate

(1 edit) (+1)

Found a typo: In Clover's backroom outfit design dialogue, she says "Fefinitely" instead of definitely. Also, in the Ocean City recruitment dialogue, it says "gere" instead of "here"

this is kind of embarrassing, but I'm stuck on Clara, the hypnotist. I'm able to progress her to the point of unlocking her second outfit and the option to buy her a drink, but nothing further. I know I need to progress her in order to progress Tifa, and by extension Dollsville, so I feel like I'm missing something.


keep giving her drinks until she gets drunk then hypnotize if i remember correctly

y'know, I have no idea why it never occurred to me to try that! thanks!

im stuck at the library receptionist 

i already changed willa/caroline/window girl/audrey

what do i do next? i can post save file if u want

Tell me what's blocking you

i can't changes library receptionist 
already show her willa and carolin

A question, when will the 10v be on?

I'm making good work on in at the moment, probably in a week?

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laureline is a WIP right?

Edit: never mind I’m just dumb

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Where do I find the princess of space?

Leia from Star Wars

thank you

Figured it'd be worth a shot to ask some questions.

1. Whats the best options for public wall, or do I just get to experiment with everything?

2. Is poke trainer done after hypno?

3. I see no further way to bimbofy Nicole after doing the ads and bimbofying the test subject, am I done with her?

1. Stuff & ass only, and don't smudge it

2. Poke trainer is done after hypno once you've fucked her and came on her tits

3. For Nicole with the ads, if you've got the slogan right (crush > vulgar) she should transform, with the last step being along with the catgirl. If she doesn't transform with the ads and correct slogan, you're probably not on the latest 9.2.2 version!

(1 edit) (+1)

nice game, developer helps a lot ,, what more could we ask for, and if V10 is gonna be the last version pls add jump to the newest update option at the start and add one or more animated scenes too... 

Overall great project and storyline

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When will ankha be in good mood ik it glows pink but I have done 20+tries and she's not in a good mood in any one of them or is that a glitch


If you're using the back button or other non-game mechanics it's normal that it stays. Also when she's not in a good mood you can try to compliment or pay her.

I'm not using the back button

And how to compliment or pay hey up I can't see such an option


What do you see?


Oh you need the password in zelda's tablet first

pls help

ambitious > trendy > hottest

(2 edits)

How to access the mansion and the Tavern backroom

And who to drink rose alcohol with?? 


Rosé is for Jill on the beach.

You access the mansion when you've done the school & beach

Cómo hago tonta a la camarera?, how i make they waitress stupid?


Ask help from the pokemon

I'm having trouble with vivia. Who is the princess of space?

Leia from Star Wars

I can't open the secret door on the spaceship how do I do that?

Have Laureline in the specified outfit: pink, tattoos piercings miniskirt pink clothes etc. When her outfit is right you'll see a star next to her.

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Okay so what am I supposed to do for Laureline's maintenance quest? I have yet to do a single mission for the ship only turning the lights on for the lab


Go into her room in the evening (I think only evening). Which is before night. It lets you do something.

I love the little update with the tavern girls. Do you think that maybe we could be able to see them in the gallery, i couldnt get a good look at them with the text bar showing up on them shortly after they appeared. Id also love to see us bimbofy the head tavern girl if it's possible. 

I'll think about it

(1 edit)

How do I get into the mansion???

Finish the beach & school part

Can anyone help me with the bimbo ai slogan?

Impress crush, vulgar

(1 edit)

I tried "get crush's attention" and "vulgar is stellar" but it say the message wasn't clear

(1 edit)

Damn it there's a typo in the code, It's fixed in V9.2.2

I need help,I've completed all I can up to Doll World and it just says thats all for this. I even made sure it was the 9.2 update. I'm playing the android version

9.2.1 or 9.2.0? If you got the message for the end of Dollsville main city it also unlocks the beach

How do i get to the catgirl in the lab? Also stuck with ankha and the password

please help

(1 edit)

Look into zelda's tablet for the password

For the catgirl ankha will be needed.
Same question as for another user below, how did you reach the spaceship if you haven't completed the library? I'm confused

idk and thanks

You haven't messed with your save at all?

Lora( or whatever the yoga lady name is) at the beach appears after doll camp (I think) and you can do her quest without the library . So maybe check the flag to make her appear 

No idea what you mean ?


Hey im struggling to figure out where phura is for the Laureline quest

Purah? She's in the back garden of the library

Thanks, was confused cause i hadnt unlocked the library yet


just finished the game great job :)

I'm confused how you got to the spaceship before doing the library? Did you manipulate some variables? Just trying to see if there's a bug hidden somewhere

Same thing happened with me I finished Louise's storyline before completing the beach arc and I got the spaceship I was so confused at first bcuz that arc needed girls from mansion and library which I hadn't unlocked

any help here? been stuck here for quite a bit


Look at the walkthrough

i still dont get how to do it 😭😭

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Oh wait I might have broken something, is the mage in ganguro mode? if yes, try removing her makeup then go at the inn.

EDIT: Fixed in V9.2.1


it worked! thanks!!

(1 edit)

also how do i make her kiss purah? did i miss something?

Wait till purah is more transformed ;)

como desbloqueo la playa, la esucela y las demas secciones , estoy jugando la ultima version

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Finish the main town to unlock the beach & school, etc. Make sure you're using V9.2.1

I'm having trouble with louse, the girl on the first part of the beach. What combination of porn stars should I pick to convince her?

First anwser pick the only bimbo pornstar
2nd answer pick the only bimbo pornstar
3rd answer pick the only bimbo pornstar: Nicole Anniston

I seem to be having an issue on the android port, I've unlocked all girls possible in the camp, world, town center, and besch, but I'm stuck at the basement in the mansion, as well as the spaceship, cant unlock library or tavern backroom either

Deleted 166 days ago

Make sure you're using V9.2.1

I have a Problem, the eyes are only 1/2 from Tits (Madeleine) i cant proceed. I have Dollsville only 11/12, did i skip something. PLS Help

Deleted 166 days ago

Try with V9.2.1

I'm on V9.2.1 and I'm having the same problem, I don't know where to go, and I've done everything else. I'm not opposed to starting over, but I'd rather not just for this. It's just a little annoying that she's the only one I can't look at in the gallery because of this.

how do I trigger drinking with Ankha? I have taken the pillow, I have fought her... I'm stuck

On a day where she's got the pink aura, look at her tits, answer her question then ask her a hard question

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Im stuck at nicole, i don't know how to get the catgirl hair netither how to continue bimbofyin nicloe

For the hair, go see ankha, then for part 2, the bunny

how do you do the barmaid

Which step?

When will Update 10 be released? Cool game

I dont understand how to bimbofy Ankha. Whst should i do when she is in good mood. I already took pillow from her

The next step is to get in a fight with her, so not in a good mood day

thanks a lot

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